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 Hues & Shades
Welcome to Hues & Shades
This web site displays the art work of artist Mahua Pal. Primarily a self taught artist she has been painting for over 14 years. A prolific creator of art work she is adept in various mediums like Oil, Acrylic, Water, Coloured Pencil, Soft Pastel, Charcoal, etc. She is an alumna of the London Art College from where she has completed Diploma courses in Drawing & Painting and Water Colours and a certificate course in Oils via distance learning. Mahua has also been teaching art to Children and Adults through both regular and on line art classes.

This website allows you to purchase art work made by Mahua. You can also place an order for customized art work. In keeping with the spirit of Affordable Art for Everyone these art works are very affordable. Each art work has been hand painted by the artist.

Mahua would love to hear from you, so if you can spare some time please do sign the guest book.
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See my featured art work at my Instagram account mahua.pal.art
"Learn simplicity and appreciation for nature. The best things in life are available to everyone because they are inside us, like truth, imagination, creativity, love.... so you see greatness is nothing to do with success or money or possessions. Greatness is inherent in all of us." - Yanni
"I started from a point of no rules, which has been all my career. There are no rules in music (art). How do you do it? You just do it! You let your soul speak..... What it comes down to always is what are you trying to tell another human being. It's communication." - Yanni
For queries drop a note to admin@huesnshades.in
This site was last updated on 09th July, 2021