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Hues & Shades
Art Field Trip - February 2014
Hues & Shades conducted its second Art Field Trip for its advanced art class
students on 9th February, Sunday, 2014. As part of this Art Field Trip students
were taken outdoors and were required to draw a landscape from real life
Drawing from observation is an important skill that a student of art needs to
learn. This Art Field Trip gave an opportunity to the students to practice this skill.
I wish to thank my students and parents for their cooperation and enthusiasm for
the field trip.
Please find below some glimpses from the Art Field Trip. You can also find the works
of my students made during the field trip towards the bottom of this page.
Art Work made during Field Trip
The following are the art works created by my students (in alphabetical order) during the field trip. The students were split into two groups with a slightly different view. Two photos showing the views have also been included for reference.
For queries please write to admin@huesnshades.com