Samarth is a 16 years old boy with Autism. Inspite of his limited ability to communicate orally he is very expressive with the brush. He also writes very thoughtful things which are very relavent in life today. Each of his paintings has a theme that goes well beyond his age. This page contains thumbnail images of his pantings. Clicking on a thumbnail image will show an enlarged picture of the painting with a write up on each. These writeups were written by Samarth himself. |
Don't Give Up |
Life in Sea |
Foot Print |
Living Space |
Invention |
Green Plants |
Buffalo |
Black Mark |
Spend in Limit |
Share Feeling |
Green Trees |
Seven Horses |
Sun Rising |
Long Neck |
Pollution Control |
Water Falls |
River Ganga |
Positive Attitude |
Tortoise God |
Survival of the Fittest |
Life Evolution |
Identity |
Spend in Limit |
Water Falls |
Green Plants |
Pollution Control |
Invention |
Hues & Shades |