Samarth has released a book on his paintings titled "Rise like a Sun - Adopt Right Values". The book talks about the A,B,C,Ds of life that help us lead a successful, fulfilling and happy life. Samarth has written a thoughtful phrase for each alphabet and has depicted the phrase through a vibrant painting. In the book Samarth also emphasises the need for right education for everyone so that we can spread brightness all around. It provides a message to everyone on adopting right values in life. Given his age his insights on many aspects of life is sure to amaze the reader. All the phrases and paintings have been reproduced unedited in the book. A must read for everyone.

The following are some pages from the book. You can get a copy of the book from Sapna Book Stall Indranagar, Bangalore or by directly writing to Sarvani at her email id.
    Samarth's Book
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